Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id
- Promotion Period: 7th April – 31st May 2022.
- Applicable at any Red Box Plus, Red Box & Green Box outlets.
- Receive a complimentary Red Box Limited Edition Green Packet when you spend RM100 and above in a single receipt.
- While stocks last.
- The management reserves the right to alter the terms & conditions without any prior notice.
Take this chance to do what few in human history have ever done: determine the fundamental structure of a new society. The founders of Ilion will create and control their own government, not the other way around. It’s a truly unique opportunity to create laws, regulations, and taxes specifically designed to generate healthy growth and wealth.
Take this chance to do what few in human history have ever done: determine the fundamental structure of a new society. The founders of Ilion will create and control their own government, not the other way around. It’s a truly unique opportunity to create laws, regulations, and taxes specifically designed to generate healthy growth and wealth.